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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Some End of Year Inspiration

I viewed these videos from the Google Certified Teachers Google Group. There are so many videos of inspiration out there, some attached to companies or organizations. Regardless, the messages are worth considering.


The first is from Educating The Heart organization. It expresses the need to help children grow to become compassionate and tolerant.


The second is from a company (I think) based in Zurich. It addresses our notions of what the perfect body is. This is a unique project. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Quicktime for Teaching & Student Assignments, Stop Motion on iPhones & iPads - Japan ASCD Try-It-On-Monday Tech Workshop

(this post will be updated)

Two areas were chosen for this workshop with the intent of being "over prepared" rather than "under prepared". The first area we'll tackle is Quicktime - a tool I find is simple and useful, but under utilized. The second, stop motion animation, has no doubt been used time and again, but doesn't get used so much due to what I think may be due to few chances to use the tools. Thus, for the stop motion portion I've deliberately incorporated iPhones and iPads.


Quicktime Player has three functions we'll look at today: New Movie Recording, New Audio Recording, and New Screen Recording. The audio and movie functions are similar to any audio and video recording functions. In Quicktime layer, the movie and screen recording functions can be used by teachers and students in many creative ways. In some instances, green screens are a lot of fun.

1. (screen) A students can be given a diagram, image, series of images to explain. (maps, diagrams, rules in sports)

2. (screen) A student can demonstrate how something is done within the computer. (ie) How to set up a Google Site.

3. (movie) The student draws a diagram / image as they explain something.

4. (movie) The student demonstrates how to do something in PE, Dance or Music classes. (ie) A (bad) example of a G-D-C chord progression on guitar, with three different "C chord" derivatives.

How would you use these two visuals?

Here is a list of ideas for screen casting. (source)

-Explain/Interpret... just about anything.

-Math processes & problem-solving

-Science concepts, events, digital microscope capture, browser-based activity,...

-Weather Forecasts (using weather map images and other online data)

-Map Skills (directions, scale, coordinates, ... Try it with GoogleMaps or Google Earth)

-Response to literature (book reviews, plot, theme, characterization, authors...)

-Reflecting on writing pieces or learning portfolio


-Daily Oral Language editing

-Writing conventions

-Reading stories, ebooks,...

-Historical events

-How to use software, tools, websites...

-Capture/narrate student online creations (cartoons, stories,...)

-Reflect on field trips (verging on digital storytelling)

-Capture & narrate a web-based projects and tools like Google Sketchup, Google Earth,...

-Use screencasts in conjunction with the augmented reality app, Aurasma (ideas here). Create overlays
that play published screencast video when viewed with mobile device.

-Create a "Summer Learning" series that consists of short, fun, learning bytes


Stop motion is a lot of fun; finding the right learning goal is most likely the greater challenge. The key is to find a program that takes no time to film, so that students don't waste too much time on technology and spend more time focusing on the specific learning goal. (unless of course, the goal is learning to use the technology) Regardless, stop motion allows students to be creative, to collaborate, and demonstrate learning. Again, green screens are a lot of fun as well. 

Here are two good articles on stop motion - one with a still camera - and a good article on stop motion in the classroom. (more will be added or synthesized)

Look at Jellycam. (Mac) It's free and easy to use. You may have to install Adobe Air also free and with a direct link on the site. Here is a YouTube demonstration. 

For iPhone and iPad I like Stop Motion Studio - a free app that allows for embedding music and easy sharing. The "extras" cost, but you can simply edit in another editor if you so desire. Here is a demo:

There are several free tools, but almost all are trial-based. I have used I Can Animate*, which is simple. Take the shots, export the video, and edit in another editor (such as YouTube - easy and no copyright worries - the video below is a simple green screen effort). I Can Animate for Mac. I Can Animate for PC.

*There is a trial period for I Can Animate, and when it expires you cannot export. I deal with this by screen casting the video with Quicktime and cropping. 


I'm gathering a list of resources, but not ready to publish.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Stop Motion Clay Animation

Stop motion animation (in this case clay, but you can use lego, action figures, photos, your own drawings, human beings - the sky is the limit) is an enjoyable assignment that allows students to collaborate, create through storytelling, collaborate through art, and simply have fun using technology. (digital publishing) My students came up with this in about an hour an a half. They used clay, iMovie, YouTube, their brains, a sense of humour, and a willingness to collaborate. Note how everything is simple, but effective. Humous is used appropriately. The soundtrack "makes" the video. 

"The Warrior and the Snake"

*Credit using full names is withheld due to privacy.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Design Thinking Process - Co Barry TEDx

Check out the diagram before reading further. This is 'Design Thinking' in a nutshell. (source)

I've been trying to learn a little more about design thinking since it was first introduced to me. I have been involved tangible projects that involved this process, I don't recall doing it from the very beginning, with a local community (empathy) in mind, and an actually building something long-lasting. (the feedback) Maybe I'm wrong - I've been involved in many community-oriented projects in and out of school, but not with this process consciously in my head. The TED Talk below gives a nice anecdote of design thinking in action. (my summary and comments following)

Design Thinking: Maximizing Your Students' Creative Talent (Co Barry at TEDxDenverTeachers)

Co Barry begins with a reflection on how she learned - figuring out what the teacher wants and the 'correct answer', but not really learning to deal with complex problems, or take the risks to effectively solve them. She starts with describing a basic part of the process: identify a need and ask questions about it. (and, significantly, Barry points out that after going to the community you may often find that your perceived problem wasn't really the problem at all, but that the problem was deeper)

Empathy - going to the community and learning.

Prototype - looking for the best possible solution. 

She makes several comments, but essentially Co Barry points out that this kind of approach to learning leads to higher levels of engagement and overall achievement. The concept she offers that I will adopt fully is that 'we don't know what (future) we're preparing children for, but we can prepare them to deal with complex change and complex challenges'.

What a great way to put it. There is a deeper understanding to design thinking, but this video is a nice start to getting an idea about what design thinking is.

A couple more diagrams. (source)

And a couple of links (not commented on in this):

An Ecosystem Model for Education. "Preparing students for their future, not our past."

Robert Dillon posted comments and a TED video on an "Ecological vs Industrial" model for eduction, ecological being an extension of our so-called 21st Century Learning. (a term that Grant Litchman, in his TED Talk, notes that he dislikes) So what is an ecological model? 

Dillon starts with his views that schools in his community are doing a better job now with looking ahead 5 years in the future, rather than week by week, day by day, etc, and notes the push for emotionally and physically healthy students. The key to his comments that are connected to Litchman's TED presentation is the need for a more "personalized learning environment"; learning in areas that individuals are passionate about. What I also appreciate is that he emphasizes that we also need to specify areas for individual growth. Creating Innovators, by Tony Wagner, echoes this. Both urge schools to provide opportunities for kids to create and innovate. Dillion notes how more and more people are turning their passions (their hobbies) into businesses. Project-based, experimental, integrated (disciplines) learning models. 

Here is the blog post, A Principal Speaking / Principally Speaking, that was passed on to us at my school. Definitely worth a short read. Definitely watch the TED Talk video. (I've summarized below the embedded video)

Lichtman begins by explaining how we need to have our students ask more questions than give answers; have more systems rather than academic departments and institutional compartments; and we need to find problems rather than simply solve them. He set off on a tour of 64 schools.

He notes that "the bad" saw schools were large and bureaucratic, had competing interests, and lacked a culture of risk-taking. (moreover, a lack of taking on change due to a fear of taking risks) There was good as well. Model schools were solving problems and recognized that change is hard and uncomfortable for institutions.

Life outside of the 'box of industrial education' means a permeable education, includes being online, off campus, in the community, and global. Subject boundaries are crossed; reflection is done and empathy grows. Litchman lists "Natural Ecosystem Drivers": creative, adaptive, permeable, dynamic, systemic, self-correcting. He adds a new "~sphere" to the world: the "cognitosphere", which he defines as a system of knowledge creation and management. The ecosystem he refers to is global in nature. Considering that education is a knowledge-based industry, we have to get over three things in order to  move forward:

1. Get rid of "anchors": the egotistical approach - my classroom, my subject, my (teaching) time. *I interpret this as teacher-centered learning, which is still the norm. (my thoughts)

2. Get rid of "dams": have to shift from college admissions systems and college boards who label kids by content, rather than context. *How may bright kids are turned away from post-secondary education simply because our mass education model didn't fit them? (my thoughts)

3. Breaking down "silos": classrooms, departments, divisions, schools, are all segregating people who otherwise could work together at creating and innovating. *This is tough to shift in terms of the modern world, but remember that even just decades ago we still had one-room schools in which everyone learned together, but not necessarily the same thing at the same time. This would be an interesting comparison. 

Finally, Lichtman introduces his term "evolving self-learners". This is his answer to '21st Century Skills', an expression he dislikes simply because he feels the skills are timeless. (tough to argue with that one). In this same sense we need to be self-evolving organizations as well, unafraid to embrace constant change.

So what are my other thoughts? 
"Preparing students for their future, not our past." I love it.

I'd like to see more of how Lichtman approached the research he did. (wouldn't it be cool to do something similar here in Japan, or bum around SE Asia with some planned research) The 'cognitoshpere' is a clever concept and the term 'ecosystem' really resonates. Teaching and learning should include the organic and personalized. It'll be a challenge to (continue to?) develop the concept of 'evolving self-learners' in our schools but it's already being done. This shift isn't necessarily tech-centered either. (though no doubt tech helps)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Google Apps for Education - Tokyo Summit - Workshop Links

Thank you for attending the Blogger and Google Sites workshops at the Google Apps for Education Tokyo Summit. Please keep in touch. Our brainstorming session ideas are in the mind map below. (powered by Click to enlarge the image. I'm still updating my Google Sites (from the Tokyo Apps Summit) web site with new challenges. I hope it's of some use to people.

Find me on Twitter.

These are links to my workshops on Google Sites and Google Blogger for the Google Apps for Education - Tokyo Summit, February 9th - 10th. (these following workshops are on Sunday, february 10th)

Professional Learning Blogs with Google Blogger 
1:30 to 2:30 pm
Room 218-220

Building Google Sites to Enhance Your Students' Learning
3:00 to 4:00
Room 218-220